Saturday 28 November 2015

Sex and Its Great Benefits (I)

Dear OTR, after considering all the great benefits that can be derived from sex, we encourage you to keep on the bangs.
Please do away with anti-wrinkle creams, as you no longer need it, research claims SEX can make you look seven years younger; but that's not the only benefit.

If your Partner is “not in the mood” again? Then sharing the following to change their mindset might worth it!

One to two lovemaking sessions per week can provide some incredible boosts to your health and wellbeing.

1. Fight colds and flu
Having sex once or twice a week has been found to raise your body’s levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, or IgA, which can protect you from colds and flu. One study found people who have sex more than once a week have 30% higher levels of IgA than those who abstain.

2. Shift your middle-age spread and keep fit
Thirty minutes of vigorous sex burns up to 100 calories, which is the same as a small glass of wine. If you have moderately active sex twice a week, you’ll burn an extra 5,000 calories a year! Varying your positions is also a great, fun way to tone different muscle groups and keep limbs lean and flexible.

3. Prevent a heart attack
Lots of studies have found that regular sex can ward off heart attacks, not bring them on as it was. Having sex three times a week could halve your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
A study in Israel found that women who had two orgasms a week were up to 30% less likely to have heart disease than those who did not enjoy sex or didn’t have an orgasm.

4. Cut your risk of cancer
Men who enjoy a regular sex life in their 50s are at lower risk of developing prostate cancer and women who's breastfeeding are suckled more often are far away from breast cancer
This is because sex clears the prostate of toxins that coucold otherwise linger and trigger cancerous changes.

5. Feel better all day
If you decide to go for a spot of morning passion to start your day, the boost to your mood it provides can continue right through until night time. Adults who made love first thing in the morning were not only more upbeat for the rest of the day, but they also benefited from a stronger immune system than those people who simply opted for a cup of tea and some toast before heading out of the door.
In other words – why wait until tonight?

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